Steps of Issuing a No Criminal document in English and Other Languages in Turkey

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The English language has recently been added to the languages in which a No criminal record document can be issued through the e-government application. You can find out more about the steps and details here from TrustUs.

Today, you can issue a no criminal document in the English language and other languages in Turkey, as the Turkish Ministry of Justice recently announced several procedures and improvements within its online government portal provided to all expatriates.


No criminal record document in English and many languages in Turkey

This comes after the English language and other languages were added to the group of languages in which a no criminal record document can be obtained in Turkey.

Now, Foreigner who speak international languages specifically English in Turkey can issue the document through the Turkish e-government application (e-devlet).

No Criminal Record Statement in Turkey

Nineteen languages for no criminal record document in Turkey

The number of languages in which a (No criminal record) document can be issued has reached 19, including English, French and Portuguese according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.


Activating the Turkish e-government application

Foreign residents today can take advantage of this new feature, by activating the E-devlet application after obtaining the portal's entry code (username and password) from one of the government post centers (Ptt).


How to issue a No criminal record document in the English and other languages in Turkey in steps

The following is a sequence of steps for issuing a no criminal record document in English and other languages in Turkey via the portal application on your mobile phone, like the above video, or on the website:

  1. Log in to your E-devlet account through the mobile app or the website.
  2. Write in the search bar: "adli sicil kaydı sorgulama"
  3. Choose this same sentence when it appears in the search results.
  4. The site will refer you to the Ministry of Justice page. Confirm that you have read the terms of use and click on the Continue option: Devam et.
  5. On the second page, the site will ask you to indicate to whom you will submit the document, under the section: * Kurum Türü Seçiniz *
  6. Choose the appropriate option for you: Is it an official Resmi institution, a private özel institution, or a foreign (translated) institution?
  7. In the following option: *Belgenin Neden Verileceği* He will ask you why, is it for Okul University or for an ehliyet driving certificate, for example.
  8. Then it asks for the name of the institution to whom it will be referred*Seçiniz Belgenin Nereye Verileceği*.
  9. In the next option you will find an option: dil seçimi which means choose your language and here you can choose Arabic or English.4
  10. On the next page, the document will be ready, and after clicking on Sorgula Verification, your document will appear, click İndir Download and get a No criminal record document in English or other language through the online portal in Turkey.

In nutshell, we hope that these information were beneficial to you, and if you have any inquiries or legal advice in Turkey, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to be at your service.


Source: Anadolu.

Edited by: TrustUs Consultancy©

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